Appropriate Words To Use In An Essay!


Every essay is a sum of sentences, and every sentence is a sum of words. It is the judicious use of words only that can differentiate an intelligent mind from the mundane one. The language used influences the structure, form, and tone of a write-up and is also the first impression to a reader. Even after being aware of the importance of words an essay holds, students often ignore this. Due to this, Essay writing becomes a very tedious and nerve-breaking task. There are various basic standards of words to write a good essay.

Basic Standard Of Words To Use In An Essay To Sound Smart:

  1. Simplifying: Words that facilitate the complex phenomenon should be used. It can be through examples, demonstrations, anecdotes, etc.
  2. Vocabulary: Good vocabulary give an edge over others. A bundle of good vocabulary words beforehand can be used in any write-up. For instance, Nonetheless, Nevertheless, Furthermore, and, Myriad.
  3. Connecting: Connecting words like In addition, and, also, then, etc., can be used to write a flawless essay.
  4. Differentiating: Differentiating words does not mean complex and confusing terms; instead, they are the better or more updated version of the same comment. For example: Baffle for Confuse and Magnifying for expanding.
  5. Structuration: Structure gives an essay a better view to the reader; hence it is more appealing. Various standard words provide a structure for an essay.
  • Words for Introduction: A good introduction is required to grab the reader's attention. 

  • Words for the body: Words which give a flow like Firstly, Secondly, Thirdly, to start with, in my opinion.

  • Words for the conclusion: Summarizing words like briefly, in summary.

However, along with words, there are various other factors (use of metaphors, phrases, quotes) that contribute to effective and creative essay writing. If you are assigned an essay and are distressed about writing it due to various underlying reasons (last-minute deadline, overburden with the assignment), you can take professional dissertation help. Many professional essay experts in the UK are 24X7 there to offer prime assistance with authentic work to scholars of all the UK universities. They provide many additional services at an affordable price.


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