How To Write A Discussion Section Of A Paper?


Are you writing a paper? You are done with data collection and analysis but do not know how to write a discussion section. Well, it can prove to be disastrous in the long run. The discussion section is one of the essential parts of the paper. Writing a thesis discussion section or a literature review discussion section aims to decipher and depict the meaning of your results considering the principle idea presented in the paper. The next step is to incorporate new value additions as per your research and findings. The discussion will consistently associate with the introduction via the research questions or literature review, yet it doesn't just reiterate the introduction. The discussion section dissertation should clearly explain the change in perspective of the research question after adding new findings.

Why Should You Write A Discussion Section?

  1. It most viably exhibits your capacity as a researcher to contemplate an issue, foster feasible solutions, and delineate a more profound comprehension of your primary research question.

  2. Writing a discussion section helps you understand the possible implications of your research in other areas and fields. It helps in exploring interdisciplinary avenues.

  3. Research is of no use until it fits a solution in existing gaps. A discussion section is your opportunity to explain the contribution of your study in the contemporary world.

  4. This section is where a researcher drives out meanings from results and findings. Give your research problem and findings a suitable narrative.

Steps To Write A Good Discussion Section Of A Research Paper?

  1. Briefly describe the research problem and the investigative methods used for exploration. Use straightforward and simple language.

  2. Connect the meaning of findings and demonstrate their relevance.

  3. Add studies that resonate with your findings. This backs up your arguments.

  4. Can there be any other perspectives of your findings? State other possible takeaways from your findings.

  5. After conducting research, you found out that it could have been better by adding some more elements. Such a thing can be a limitation of your study. Understand the application and non-application of your research and list them.

  6. What is the future of your research? Talk about the further research avenues created by your study. Mention what all can supplement it in future.

Students often find it challenging to write a research paper or thesis because of the discussion section. Fortunately, such students can always rely on dissertation writing help from professional academic specialists.


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